Networking and Security

Networking and Security Networking and Security

Enterprise-wide network architecture and engineering including voice, data, wired, wireless network infrastructure, and virtual private network (VPN).

What are you looking for?

Quick Links:  Enterprise-Wide Network Services  -  UHealth IT Security  -  Academic IT Security



Office of Research Administration (ORA) Technology Control Plans (TCP): A TCP is a living document that outlines the means in which confidential/controlled/sensitive information and technology will be protected. Learn more.

Enterprise-Wide Network Services

Accordion Group

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  • Enterprise Network Services


    The Enterprise Network Services unit is responsible for architecture, and engineering across all campuses, including managing, installing, and repairing wired and wireless network infrastructure.

    Services include virtual private network (VPN), network uptime, network administration, monitoring, diagnosis, and repair.

    The Enterprise Network Services unit is also responsible for the University's telephony services, Voice over IP (VoIP), new infrastructure construction and renovations projects at an enterprise level, including the University's fiber optic infrastructure.


  • *NEW* Academic Collaboration and Research Network (ACoRN)


    The University of Miami's Academic Collaboration and Research Network (ACoRN) is designed to facilitate collaboration, information sharing, and resource pooling amongst researchers.

    The ACoRN prototype is currently being developed. To get early access, we invite you to submit a request.


UHealth IT Security

Accordion Group

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Academic IT Security

Accordion Group

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Other Services

Data Access, Sharing, and Collaboration

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Data Storage, Backup, and Protection

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High-Performance Computing

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Software and Systems

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Innovation and Web Publishing

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Connect with a technology specialist regarding your project's needs, and learn what IT resources are available—or discuss services that can be created to fit your needs.

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Access the Navigator

Didn't find what you're looking for? Contact the Research Navigator for assistance! The Research Navigator offers a new type of research support designed to assist faculty in navigating the research enterprise at the University of Miami. The Research Navigator is one-to-one, concierge-style centralized support to connect researchers to the right resources, right now.

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